Sunday, July 20, 2008

Testing this out...

Okay so I think we have finally arrived...with a little push from Liz!

1 comment:

Texan Oma and Pappa said...

We currently have 5 grand children and two on the way...what a blessing that is. Paul has three beautiful daughters, Olivia, Liz and Ruthie that have 4 children between them with Ruthie having one on the way and due before Christmas. I have 3 sons and one step-son whom I love dearly. Brandon has one daughter and Nathaniel has one on the way also due at Christmas time...Roman and Dylan are still too young thank goodness. All these babies are just so beautiful even the one that isn't a baby anymore and yes that means you Conner!

The Motely Crew from Texas

The Motely Crew from Texas
This is the family picture we took just before Nathaniel went into the Air Force.

Ferry Trip to Galveston

Ferry Trip to Galveston
I am going to miss you Nathaniel. I can't even imagine how hard it is going to be for Ashley the six weeks Nathaniel is gone. So glad we got to spend time as a family at the beach with him. We all love him so much.